Outlander - Castle Leoch
On the second part of Outlander, they got to the castle where the "king" of it receive them, they were a clan and suspected that the girl (I forgot to tell, named Claire) was an English as usual they are following her to everywere. While this is happening she is creating an emotional conection with the guy whose arm was bad (Jamie), but as known she is from, for a manner of speaking...the future, but in that time you can not say thing like that or you will be burn like a witch (we should burn bitches now, but well...), she says is some kind of healer and later she discovers that the king is ill so, the promises they made her of taking her to the city her they found her first, were broken because the king gave the order that she WILL be the new healer...
Outlander - Sassenach
I found myself going through channels and after I watched Carrie for the third time. I noticed it had already changed the program, so I went to info part and saw that it was a "movie" called Outlander...and I quoted that because after being traped with the argument I found out that it was a Tv I got hooked without even notice it. Now I'm eager for more but I have to wait...this is why (if you rather want to see the serie don't read this, I'll just tell you that is worth it). I began with a young lady sitting next to an old one, that was reading her future on tea leaves...then she went for her hand and told her that she had a life line that has a bifurcafion, and it was an extrange feature. It was around the began of the 20th century because there were cars and all...she was a battle nurse and was married, this will be their second honey moon. Next thing I knew she was picking flowers next to a rock where a group of women were doing some kind of dancing the night before...and when she touched that rock she went uncouncious. When she woke up she didn't recognize the path between the woods...them she found a redcoat general that tried to raped her (so this wasn't the same time, right?)..then a man went to her rescue but like she wasn't as cooperative as she must, he knock her out and took her with some others like him (I think it was from Scotland or somewere from there, cause they were using those classic skirts, just like brave heart) while they decided what to do with her, she fixed the dislocked arm of one of in simple words, she will survive. They took her with them and while certain things, that I will not tell in here, happened...they got into a castle.
Being like Jacob
Some of you might love Jacob and some of you might hate him for some things he did or said, in a certain moment I hate him; however, after reading this… I sort of understand why he did it. He had his reasons and some of them are very good ones. But there are also some selfish ones, but I didn’t know that some of his behavior came for the werewolf characteristics.
Well… I leave this so you can read it if you want to… of course. It’s really exciting and some parts are really funny, so… enjoy!
Well… I leave this so you can read it if you want to… of course. It’s really exciting and some parts are really funny, so… enjoy!
New Moon call
I know I shouldn't be doing this cause I promised like a thousand times that I would end up with the Twilight saga, but I just can't help it... for the ones that have read New Moon, you were all shocked in the part when Edward calls Bella's house and Jacob answers... but haven't you wondered what exactly happened at that moment?... what were the exact words of Rosalie... so that Edward would call?.... well.. here is the answer... is really exciting!!.... you MUST! read it!.. enjoy!
And for the ones that love... Rosalie... and believes that she is an innocent dove.... here are her thoughts after she called Edward. Was she really that selfish?... or she just didn't imagine that that would happen?


Next chapter---- be like Jacob and meet the casting of the werewolf clan. =P
Paramore - Emergency
Long time huh?.... well...I know I promised I will write the end of Breaking Dawn… but is a really long book… and I want to write a really good summary, so if you could just wait for me a couple of days… I promise it will all be worth it!
So here I leave you with another video of Paramore… this time is Emergency!... nice song.. well let’s see how it goes ^^
So here I leave you with another video of Paramore… this time is Emergency!... nice song.. well let’s see how it goes ^^
I think we have an emergency
I think we have an emergency
If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong
Cause I won't stop holding on
So are you listening?
So are you watching me?
If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong
Cause I won't stop holding on.
This is an emergency
So are you listening?
And I can't pretend that I don't see this
it's really not your fault
When no one cares to talk about it
Talk about it…
Cause I've seen love die
Way too many times
When it deserved to be alive (deserved to be alive)
I've seen you cry
Way too many times
When you deserved to be alive (alive)
So you give up every chance you get
Just to feel new again
I think we have an emergency
I think we have an emergency
And you do your best to show me love,
but you don't know what love is.
So are you listening?
So are you watching me?
Well I can't pretend that I don't see this
It’s really not your fault
When no one cares to talk about it
Talk about it
Cause I've seen love die
Way too many times
When it deserved to be alive (deserved to be alive)
I've seen you cry
Way too many times
When you deserved to be alive (alive)
Scars, they will not …fade away.
No one cares to talk about it, to talk about it?
Cause I've seen love die
Way too many times
When it deserved to be alive (when it deserved to be alive)
I've seen you cry
Way too many times
When you deserved to be alive (when you deserve to be alive)
I think we have an emergency
I think we have an emergency
If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong
Cause I won't stop holding on
So are you listening?
So are you watching me?
If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong
Cause I won't stop holding on.
This is an emergency
So are you listening?
And I can't pretend that I don't see this
it's really not your fault
When no one cares to talk about it
Talk about it…
Cause I've seen love die
Way too many times
When it deserved to be alive (deserved to be alive)
I've seen you cry
Way too many times
When you deserved to be alive (alive)
So you give up every chance you get
Just to feel new again
I think we have an emergency
I think we have an emergency
And you do your best to show me love,
but you don't know what love is.
So are you listening?
So are you watching me?
Well I can't pretend that I don't see this
It’s really not your fault
When no one cares to talk about it
Talk about it
Cause I've seen love die
Way too many times
When it deserved to be alive (deserved to be alive)
I've seen you cry
Way too many times
When you deserved to be alive (alive)
Scars, they will not …fade away.
No one cares to talk about it, to talk about it?
Cause I've seen love die
Way too many times
When it deserved to be alive (when it deserved to be alive)
I've seen you cry
Way too many times
When you deserved to be alive (when you deserve to be alive)
Paramore - Hallelujah
This is another Paramore music video, I really like this one… it gives a little bit of hope...and I just love the chorus =P... take a look at it, is really good! ^-^
Somehow everything is gonna fall right into place
If we only had a way to make it all, fall faster every day
If only time flew like a dove;
we are gonna make it fly faster that I’m falling in love
This time we are not giving up
Let’s make it last forever
Screaming “hallelujah”
We’ll make it last forever
Holding onto patience wearing thin
I can’t force this eyes to see the end
And If only time flew like a dove
Well we could watch it fly and just keep looking on
This time we are not giving up
Let’s make it last forever
Screaming “hallelujah”
We’ll make it last forever
And we’ve got time on our hand
Got nothing but time on our hands
Got nothing but…
Got nothing but …
Got nothing but time on our hands
This time we are not giving up
Let’s make it last forever
Screaming “hallelujah”
Somehow everything is gonna fall right into place
If we only had a way to make it all, fall faster every day
If only time flew like a dove;
we are gonna make it fly faster that I’m falling in love
This time we are not giving up
Let’s make it last forever
Screaming “hallelujah”
We’ll make it last forever
Holding onto patience wearing thin
I can’t force this eyes to see the end
And If only time flew like a dove
Well we could watch it fly and just keep looking on
This time we are not giving up
Let’s make it last forever
Screaming “hallelujah”
We’ll make it last forever
And we’ve got time on our hand
Got nothing but time on our hands
Got nothing but…
Got nothing but …
Got nothing but time on our hands
This time we are not giving up
Let’s make it last forever
Screaming “hallelujah”
Breaking Dawn - Part 3

She is walking with Rosalie upstairs to use the restroom, but then she came back to the sofa cause the coup where she was drinking from (blood of course) was about to spill, so she tried to reach it before that but then suddenly felt that she wasn’t completely moving to that side… as if something was pulling to the other side of her; after that the only thing she remembers is that they were upstairs but she only reached to see Edward and Jacob, Rosalie was no longer there (wonder why?), and she heard that the baby was entangled with the umbilical cord, so she was wondering: “why isn’t he doing something?... the baby is gonna die! What is he waiting for?” TAKE IT OUT….save him…. Then she heard the sound of something breaking apart (of course it was her) this was because Edward was taking the baby out, so he needed to use his teeth for this particular thing, cause like you all know this wasn’t made by human skin (if you didn’t… now you do).
After that Bella was weaker than ever, but then she saw the baby… it wasn’t like the one she dreamed about, the little boy, this was a girl… she felt a little disappointed at that second, but that was all it last this disappointment, cause then she saw her closely and…. She was beautiful, she had curly hair, the same chocolate brown eyes like the mother and the same porcelain skin that the father has, but this one was pink at the cheeks, this meant that she was alive, not a vampire, at least not a complete one and after all this, Bella saw something that she thought she’ll never see on her entire existence, a creature even more beautiful than Edward… of course it had to be his daughter… Renesmee.
So like all the mothers on the entire world, she wanted to hold her daughter, so she did… she was hugging her but then suddenly she felt a pain on her chest; then Edward take the baby out and Bella was starting to lose consciousness, all went black while she listened to Jacob said, “keep your heart beating as you promised”… she was thinking I will...I have to!... but she felt a huge amount of weight that was pushing her down to the darkness, she was fighting against it, but she was about to surrender… when she remembered why she was fighting for, it wasn’t just her life, it was Edward's life, cause they where only one, if she died he will also “die”, and she couldn’t imagine a world without Edward, and even so… now there was another reason to live for, she had her beautiful daughter, their daughter Renesmee; she’ll need her; she couldn’t just abandon her, so she wouldn’t… she attached to a little warmness she fell on her body, while she tried to get out of the darkness and the heaviness, but she was only a human, she couldn’t do this alone, so she couldn’t avoid this but at least she tried to push it away and not falling anymore.
But then the warmness started to felt a little bit uncomfortable, it was no longer a warm sensation but now it was like a fire, and she remembered this feeling, it was like the time James bit her, this was because of the venom, then she understood the meaning of this, Edward was trying to save her by make her a vampire as he said he will, and this was supposed to be the plan from the beginning but they were not completely sure about using it, and even so Carlisle had been talking with Edward about using morphine so the pain would be less, they tried to use it with Emmet when they transform him, but the venom burned the morphine before it acted, so they were thinking on using more, so that was maybe the reason she couldn’t move but feel everything… the fire started to run all over her body, and she finally felt as if the lower part of her was connected again with the rest of her, this on one side was better but on the other this meant that the fire will reach that part too.
She could listen to everyone and everything, she was aware of what was happening to her but only by the things they say, Edward was always standing beside her, he never left her alone. At the second day she could move, but she didn’t wanted to, because she knew that if she moved she would start to scream and this will make Edward suffer; on the other hand the fire was a little less than usual but it had become even stronger on the center (the heart), Edward was worried because she didn’t talk neither move, and he thought he had done something wrong.
Alice went to see her, and told Edward that she’ll be done soon, and that she had become a really beauty, but he corrected her: “she had always been a beauty” u.u xD, after that at the next day Bella finally stop feeling the fire on the rest of her body and this one were only in her heart. Then all the family reunited there on the same room she was, and it was then when she felt that the fire become even more suffocating, more powerful… it extinguished and the pain vanished all at once…
Pd. I’ll write the rest of this next week, or hopefully this weekend, see ya!.
Paramore - I caught myself
Here I leave a fan made video with parts of the trailer, and this song named I caught myself; at least when I hear this song it looks like if it were sang by Bella to Jacob, when says that "I know in my heart is not you"; at least that's what I think =P... if not, my bad. Well enjoy!!.
I caught myself
Down to you
you're pushing and pulling me down to you
but I don't know what I
Now when I caught myself
I had to stop myself
I'm saying something that
I should have never thought
now when I caught myself
I had to stop myself
I'm saying something that
I should have never thought of you
Of're pushing and pulling me down to you
but I don't know what I want
no I don't know what I want...
You got it, you got it
some kind of magic
hypnotic, hypnotic
you are leaving me breathless
I hate this, I hate this
you are not the one I believed in
with God as my witness
Now when I caught myself
I had to stop myself
I'm saying something that
I should have never thought
now when I caught myself
I had to stop myself
I'm saying something that
I should have never thought of you
of you..You’re pushing and pulling me down to you
but I don't know what I want
no I don't know what I want...
Don't know what I want
but I know is not you
keep pushing and pulling me down
but I know in my heart is not you
Now when I caught myself
I had to stop myself
I'm saying something that
I should have never thought
now when I caught myself
I had to stop myself
I'm saying something that
I should have never thought of you
I knew
I know in my heart it's not you
I know
but now I know what I want
I want
I want
Oh no, I've should have never though!!! =P
Down to you
you're pushing and pulling me down to you
but I don't know what I
Now when I caught myself
I had to stop myself
I'm saying something that
I should have never thought
now when I caught myself
I had to stop myself
I'm saying something that
I should have never thought of you
Of're pushing and pulling me down to you
but I don't know what I want
no I don't know what I want...
You got it, you got it
some kind of magic
hypnotic, hypnotic
you are leaving me breathless
I hate this, I hate this
you are not the one I believed in
with God as my witness
Now when I caught myself
I had to stop myself
I'm saying something that
I should have never thought
now when I caught myself
I had to stop myself
I'm saying something that
I should have never thought of you
of you..You’re pushing and pulling me down to you
but I don't know what I want
no I don't know what I want...
Don't know what I want
but I know is not you
keep pushing and pulling me down
but I know in my heart is not you
Now when I caught myself
I had to stop myself
I'm saying something that
I should have never thought
now when I caught myself
I had to stop myself
I'm saying something that
I should have never thought of you
I knew
I know in my heart it's not you
I know
but now I know what I want
I want
I want
Oh no, I've should have never though!!! =P
Paramore - We are broken
This song has no video... so I'm leaving here only the song because the video is not from Paramore as you should notice , is a video made for Supernatural... with the Winchester brothers(so cutes xD) and the lyrics are on the bottom, another one of my favorites... later I'll place other one of the Twilight soundtracks (Paramore - I caught myself). Enjoy!! =P
We are broken
I am outside
and I've been waiting for the sun
with my wide eyes
I've seen words that don't belong
my mouth is dry
with words I cannot verbalize
tell me why...
we live like this.
Keep me safe inside
your arms like towers
tower over me
Cause we are broken
what must we do to restore
our innocence
and all the promise we adored
give us life again
cause we just wanna be whole...
Lock the doors
cause I'd like to capture this voice
that came to me tonight
so everyone will have a choice...
and under red lights
I'll show myself it wasn't forged
we are at war...
we live like this...
Keep me safe inside
your arms like towers
tower over me....
Cause we are broken
what must we do to restore
our innocence
and all the promise we adored
give us life again
cause we just wanna be whole...
Tower over me...
tower over me...
And I'll take the truth at any cost
cause we are broken
what must we do to restore
our innocence
and all the promises we adored
give us life again
cause we just wanna be whole...
I am outside
and I've been waiting for the sun
with my wide eyes
I've seen words that don't belong
my mouth is dry
with words I cannot verbalize
tell me why...
we live like this.
Keep me safe inside
your arms like towers
tower over me
Cause we are broken
what must we do to restore
our innocence
and all the promise we adored
give us life again
cause we just wanna be whole...
Lock the doors
cause I'd like to capture this voice
that came to me tonight
so everyone will have a choice...
and under red lights
I'll show myself it wasn't forged
we are at war...
we live like this...
Keep me safe inside
your arms like towers
tower over me....
Cause we are broken
what must we do to restore
our innocence
and all the promise we adored
give us life again
cause we just wanna be whole...
Tower over me...
tower over me...
And I'll take the truth at any cost
cause we are broken
what must we do to restore
our innocence
and all the promises we adored
give us life again
cause we just wanna be whole...
I still do

I saw you yesterday, and I couldn't help to remember how much I still love you; I was reading our past conversations and noticed how much you did too. I know I've been a fool, I always left you behind.
I don't think we'll ever be back again, and fate is taking care of that so well. That the only thing that's left is the hope that this feeling will at least slowly fade away; my hearth is broken in thousands of pieces and it hurts so much to be that close of you but at the same time so far. I didn’t want it to be this way and you know it; it’s not my fault the change of schedule ...but it is the lack of care I gave you.
I don’t know if you are just looking for and excuse to talk to me, or you really needed those things. I just want to think that everything has disappear and that you no longer feel the same for me, so I can go on with my life and be depressed for a while and then come back to life.
I still love you… I do!!... but there are moments when I’m angry with you for doing this, but later I feel bad for thinking that of you. You knew I didn’t have experience at all, that you were the first boyfriend I ever had (and that’s saying much); you were the only one that insisted that much so I could notice what you really wanted. Cause you now… I have always my mind up in the sky, and for me to notice your real intention was a big deal.
I think I have nothing else to say, at least for now. I will still see you almost every day, for only two months since now, cause you will finally end up with your studies but I will continuing here learning another language, just one more… another language to tell you this all over again.. Je t'aime!! =P
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